Savvy Chicks


Put The Phone Down!

Not so long ago, women would go to their neighbor’s houses to socialize.  They might chat for hours, sitting around the kitchen table. There was an art to conversation, a give and take.  People actually listened and learned from one another. (More…)



Meet Avani Patel

Co Founder of Crotel Entertainment, Avani is a self made business woman who can rock your world with tips on being a savvy, confident, and successful woman.  Check in here for what she is working on next.  Click here to check out her interview with Country Magazine.

Meet Josie

Former corporate America now a dutiful stay at home wife, not!!  Crotel co-founder Josie Croll is not your average all American mom, wife, daughter and friend.  She is a cat loving, cookie baking, tennis playing machine!  Mother of 3 wife to 1.  In her spare time, she enjoys writing children’s books (with her children), acting in community theater as well as hitting the court for some one on one, and I don’t mean her husband!