Desi Vegetarian Keto Meals
This is by far the most requested post from me since I started doing ‘Keto Sprints’ over a year and a half ago. I am hoping that this will be the start of an ongoing share that I put together to help you achieve your weight loss goals as I have for the first time in ten years. See my initial results here.

Although I am not a vegetarian, I have been asked time and time again for a menu that will work for vegetarians. Although it was not easy, I have compiled these meal ideas for you.
Before we get into what you can eat, let’s talk about Keto.
What is the Keto Diet?
“Ketogenic” is a term for a low-carb diet (like the Atkins diet). The idea is for you to get more calories from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates. You cut back most on the carbs that are easy to digest, like sugar, soda, pastries, and white bread. So although it may feel odd at first to be eating so many fats, there is science behind this.
When you eat less than 50 grams of carbs a day, your body eventually runs out of fuel (blood sugar) it can use quickly. This typically takes 3 to 4 days. Then you’ll start to break down protein and fat for energy, which can make you lose weight. This is called ketosis. It’s important to note that the ketogenic diet is a short term diet that’s focuses on weight loss rather than the pursuit of health benefits.
— Source: WebMD

You will love the burst of energy you feel when depriving your body of sugar. Carbs are addicting and without them you will feel the difference in your appetite as well as mood.

Carb Counts for Traditional Indian Foods Can be Found Here
Things to Remember
-Magic numbers: 35-50 g Carbs Daily, Protein 20% daily diet intake , Fats 75% daily diet intake, you need a LOT of fat in your diet when you eliminate carbs therefore cheese and avocados are now your best friends.
-Count NET CARBS (Carbs MINUS grams of Fiber for Net Carbs)
-You can actually eat anything on Keto (cookies/pizza etc.) just watch your numbers and when you are out of carbs, make a different choice. I definitely eat things like pizza from time to time, but I consider those numbers in my daily count. With pizza I sometimes just eat the cheese – its actually really satisfying not eating the WHOLE piece.
-Fats are your friend, eat butter/avocados/pistachios/almonds liberally.
-Limit fruit intake. Bananas have 12-15 carbs, grapes are approximately 1 carb each! Stick to berries in ¼ cup portions.
-Total Carbs per day should stay under 35-50 grams TOTAL, it is important to keep count, if you don’t know, google it. Here is an incredibly helpful link with carbs for ALL INDIAN foods.
Some of My Favorite Low Carb Finds
Delicious 4 Net Carbs Available at Aldi Found At Costco So Good
What to Expect
If you are doing this right, after about day three you should not feel hungry. The combination of protein and fat in your diet should keep your satiated.
After Three Days: Check to see if you are in ketosis, I use these sticks.
After One Week: You should start seeing some weight loss.
After Two Weeks: You will see a difference in your body.
I hope you found this post to be helpful. The Keto Diet has changed my ability to manage my weight and my outlook on food completely. If you would like to see more meal options, drop me a comment and I will start working on a follow up.
Your Chick,