Most Delicious Protein Bar I Have Ever Tasted #notsponsored
Its official, I have finally found the best tasting protein bars that money can buy! Let me start off by saying that this post is in no way sponsored and as part of our fitness journey that Sonia and I have shared on Instagram, we are also on a journey to eat better.

Snacking is our ultimate weakness, after all we are Chicks And Salsa! So eating leaner and lighter between meals has been on our list of things to improve upon with summer winding down. We have both been working out 3-4 times per week and drinking plenty of water, but what about those cravings??
Our Dad is a HUGE protein bar buff and has been for years. Over time, we have tried almost ALL brands out there if they are available for sale at Costco or GNC.
I recently had the opportunity to sample Built Bars and these are a true GAME CHANGER. I am not sure how they have done it, but these bars taste and feel like a Milky Way bar and here are the numbers:
110 calories, 4.0 g fat, 2.5 g saturated fat, 13 g carbohydrates, 4 g sugar, 15 g protein, 6 g fiber, 3 mg sodium

And with 7 net carbs, this bar is perfect for the Keto diet too (check out my journey on Keto here).
With 18 different flavors, each one is better than the one before it! You will never get sick of them.

With so many flavors and right at around $1.75 per bar, these bars are perfect for satisfying those tastebuds and cravings.
Add these to your cart today, thank me later.
Your Chick,