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I Can’t Believe These Dresses Are From Target!

In case you are looking for some retail therapy that doesn’t break the bank, look no further. Target has partnered up with some pretty amazing designers and is carrying so many unique dresses that are simply too good to NOT share.

With all of these picks coming in at under $60 you can wear them year after year occasion after occasion.

Hope you found something you like.

Your Chick,


Chick Picks:

Sonia’s At-Home Workout Essentials During #Quarantine

During this time of quarantine, a lot of people have put their fitness and health as a top priority. I’ve been using my at-home gym and have realized there are some staple products that I absolutely can’t do without. Aside from usual pieces of machinery like elliptical machines, treadmills, and stationary bikes, there are additional items that make for a good start to in-home workouts. Here are my few of my top picks.

Yoga mat: HeathYoga

In my opinion, not all yoga mats are created equal. The price points can be anywhere from $20 to $200. I’ve owned my HeathYoga mat for years and it has served me well. With a price point of $36, you can’t go wrong! Yoga mats allow you to do so much more with it than just yoga. You can do any core, leg, arm work or stretch on this.

Yoga Mat

Dumbell set: Balance Form

Depending on how advanced you are in your exercises there is an array of weights you can get on organized racks. Many of them can be delivered right to your front door, here is the rack that I currently own.  I’ve since added a few heavier weights that can be purchased individually as you build up your muscle strength. (Unfortunately these are sold out, I will keep an eye out for a restock when it happens.)

Work Out Clothes

Fabletics not only has cute styles but excellent support at affordable prices- two leggings for $24, such a great deal! I am all about high-waisted pants. Fabletics has some very cute high-waisted styles that give you the tuck you need and the slim you crave.

Hypervolt: Massage Device

I am obsessed with my hypervolt. This post-workout tool acts as a deep tissue massage and helps alleviate muscle pain and stiffness through quick and rapid vibrations.  Unfortunately, this does come at a hefty price tag ($350), so I have a more affordable massage alternative for you, keep reading.

Foam Roller: TriggerPoint

This is another affordable way to roll out muscles and ease stiffness in the body. I keep this one in my bedroom and use it twice a week to roll out my back and legs.

Foam Roller


There is a multitude of ways to engage in recovery post-workout. CBD is a natural way to alleviate sleep issues, anxiety, and pain. I have been using CYTOCBD for months and have found many benefits in pain recovery. As one of the only CBD companies to offer a product with ZERO THC, I recommend using the 1500mg Full Spectrum tincture sublingually at the same time every day for one week to see how it works for you.


What tools do you have at home that you can’t live without? Comment below!

Your Chick,


Neimen Marcus Sale TOO GOOD TO MISS!

Check out our favorite picks from the Neimen Marcus Sale!!

Happy Shopping!

Your Chicks,

Rina and Sonia

The Jeans You Need for Spring are On Sale Now!

I live in jeans! I don’t wear skirts or shorts much, but jeans – yes! Over the years I have also crept my way up in price points out of curiosity to test out if when you spend more you get more.

Comparing Jeans
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In comparing the three brands I am going to share with you I wanted to judge them on: quality of denim, variety within the collection, price point, and durability.

It is a pet peeve of mine when denim stretches and lose their overall shape. I also don’t love it when denim loses its ‘luster’ after a few washes.  NONE of the brands I have shared here do that. They have all been tried and tested by me.

That being said I wanted to share three brands at three different price points that I love and why.

Articles of Society -Under $50

Let’s start with the most affordable and impressive brand in this category.  Articles of Society denim is available at Nordstrom (so for those of you who are cardholders, your money goes a lot further).  With the average cost of these jeans coming in at $50, you can get 4 pairs of these when compared to higher-end designer jeans.

These jeans are true to size, have a lot of style choices in their collection and are a good buy!  I gravitate to Articles of Society for more playful denim.  These are great for a unique pair of jeans that you won’t necessarily wear every day.  For daily wear, jeans keep reading.

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NYDJ Jeans– Under $100

Also available at Nordstrom (but on a steeper sale here), I describe NYDJ jeans as Mom Perfect.  There is truly a practical cut that feels great for ANY woman out there in this collection.  They tend to deliver the most classic and clean-cut looks that I would call “Mom-friendly.’  Because of this, they are perfect for finding a great pair of daily wear denim. 

NYDJ jeans have the perfect stretch and they’re high-quality denim that holds up.  There is a reason these are priced at a little under $100 (so many styles are on sale now). 

If you are just looking for a great pair of jeans that you can count on day after day ( I wear them around town and for playdates often) and look good and feel great, these are it!

Shop this Look Here

Good American – Over $100

Khloe Kardashian really did a great job with this brand.  I have several pairs of Good American jeans because they are ‘stylish.’ They offer an extra edge to help justify the price point which sometimes is worth it.  Ten out of ten times if I am on a Date Night or GNO, I am wearing my Good American jeans. They are stretchy, comfortable, and edgy.  In my opinion, totally worth the splurge (I have had mine for over two years).    She has added so much to the collection that I have not checked out yet, so stay tuned for a haul on that soon.

Hopefully, if you are looking to shop some new denim, this post was helpful.  Finding the right pair of jeans can be totally worth the effort when you wear them all the time.

Your Chick,


My NYDJ jeans were gifted in exchange for this post.