Going Green: 4 Easy Things You Can Do To Do Your Part
Do you feel that…the urge to start Spring cleaning? Yeah, me too. Between the Netflix series Tidying Up and my kids outgrowing their clothes faster than I can clear them out…it’s about that time! But before you start throwing things into piles, consider re-purposing your denim (and your kids denim and leggings too!)

Before you know it, it’s going to be HOT, like REALLY HOT here in Georgia, so why not up-cycle your old jeans into a cute new pair of jean shorts? To help you get the look that is right for you, here are a few helpful tips.
Start off with a pair of shorts that you wear regularly and lay them on top of an old pair of jeans that you are considering getting rid of (visit our Pinterest page).

Grab some chalk and a pair of scissors and carefully draw a line across the front and along the back of the jeans. You will need to lay the shorts upside down on the back since the measurements around the back tend to be longer.

These looks are currently 50% off

Cut the front part of the legs off first and THEN cut off the backside of the leg to accommodate for different lengths. For a distressed look like I am doing, throw the shorts into the washer and they are ready to go!

For a more polished or hemmed look you will want to add about two inches to your length to make room for the folds.
Do More
There are so many easy ways to do your part in helping save the environment. In addition to up-cycling, here are three easy things I have done as part of my 2019 new year’s resolution are:
1- Use more hand towels and less paper towels. I have found that if the paper towels are NOT on the counter, my family looks for and uses the alternative.
2- Use a reusable water bottle (check out our gift guides). Not only does this actually make me drink more water, but I also feel good about not piling up all that unnecessary plastic in our landfills.

3- Use reusable bags. Our local Aldi has really been a catalyst for driving this behavior. By not giving groceries in plastic bags, they have forced me to keep bags in my car. I find that I use them when I got to Kroger and Wal-Mart too!

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference. Which one of these behaviors can you commit to trying out in order to do a little bit to make this community and the world a little bit better?
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Your Chick,