The Juggle is Real
We have all heard about work-life balance, particularly now, but what can you do when work and home are happening all under the same roof!?!
As a work-from-home mom with a full-time career in digital marketing and two kids who have been virtually learning since March 2019, I have definitely had to learn a few tough lessons. Thankfully, these have taught me to work smarter, not necessarily harder. Read on to see how I am doing my best to pull it all off.
Cut Yourself Some Slack
I pride myself on productivity. During the pandemic, my sense of accomplishment took a hit, and now, I am ok with doing just enough. That means letting the laundry sit an extra day (or two), taking some shortcuts in the kitchen, and generally just chilling out.
Harness the Power of Technology
I have been fighting the need to do this for years, but THIS YEAR, I have finally integrated all of my work and family calendars on Google and also picked up a few tricks to help with the clutter on my desk. I recently purchased one of these cases for my iPad which has made doing work on the go much easier. I also purchased an Apple Pencil to eliminate all the notebooks, notepads, sticky notes that clutter my desk. Pro Tip: Good Notes is an app that has helped me clear my desk by allowing me to write and store them digitally.
When my personal space is a mess, my mind is a mess. So I have been doing little things to keep your physical and mental space tidy.
The WEE Hours
For the last few months when I wake up before everyone else, I make a cup of coffee and enjoy the peace and quiet. The 30-40 minutes I have with my thoughts in the morning really set the tone for the rest of my day. I use this time to JUST SIT, I look outside, check the news, maybe social media and within 30 minutes I already feel caught up and ready for whatever is in store for the day ahead.

Chick Picks:
I am sure all of this seems easier said than done, but after doing these things for several months, they have become a habit. A habit, I intend to keep long after things get back to normal.
Your Chick,