Experience VOLTA in Atlanta Now!
In the spirit of #DatingYourSpouse , Anil and I set out for a VIP experience with Cirque Du Soliel’s VOLTA in Atlanta until January 2020.

VOLTA is a captivating voyage of discovery. It’s about finding yourself, and unveiling your personal powers. Inspired in part by the adventurous spirit that fuels the culture of street sports, the show weaves acrobatics in a visually striking world driven by a stirring melodic score.
VOLTA is a story of transformation. It is about being true to oneself, fulfilling one’s true potential, and recognizing one’s own power to make it possible. Ultimate freedom comes with self-acceptance, and with the liberation of the judgement of others.
Freedom is the ultimate achievement.
VOLTA’s stage has a pulse and a life its own. In a heartbeat, it can turn from a dark, stone-dead quarry into a cathedral of light. Be sure to check it out before it is gone!
Your Chick,