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#MomsOffDuty – What Does That Mean? Celebrating 100 Posts!!

This is our 100th Post!!! That is more than two years of Chick Picks, Fashion Posts, Motherhood Rants, and Party Tips and we could not have done it without you!! Thank you so much for supporting Chicks And Salsa!!

One of our most frequently used hashtags is #MomsOffDuty.  It was brought to our attention that ‘life outside of motherhood’ and ‘Moms off duty’ implies that we did not have children or did not care about them. This could not be further from the truth!  It just means that we are not going to beat ourselves up about taking a little ‘me time‘ every now and then.

Yes, we are moms and yes we are obsessed with our kids (as most Moms are). BUT the blog is a way for us to find an avenue outside of the realm of crafting, cooking, and career. Chicks And Salsa is a way to use creativity and media to connect with other women in a way that encourages us to develop ourselves as members of this society.

As women, especially those of ethnic descent, we have a tendency to place ourselves last — behind spouses, kids, career. If there is anything I have learned in these past few years, it is that putting yourself first can feel good sometimes, too. It is also important to realize that ‘mom guilt’ never goes away: we will always wish that when we try a new restaurant with friends, that our husbands were there or when we discover a new park to run at, that we could exercise and watch the kids at the same time.
Moms Off Duty—that is how we feel when we squeeze in a coffee with friends during the day or get a babysitter and vent to a friend over cocktails after school. It is all-encompassing. It is the food that we eat, the activities that we participate in, the civic work that we do, the obligations we have at work, and our responsibilities at home. It is about taking a moment to build yourself as a woman, no matter what corners that life brings your way. Stringing together the moments outside of our routines are often the ones that we remember and cherish.
Celebrating Each Other
You Do You
We challenge you to be ‘off duty’ once in a while and do something for yourself with or without someone else. Push yourself to a new limit and rediscover an old hobby. Or listen to some old tunes and dance like no one is watching. It is possible to be a great mother, an influencer, a career-builder, and an independent woman — find your way to putting yourself first and in doing that, find yourself.
Lastly, thank you for all the love that you have shown us these past few years, hopefully we have more to offer as we learn more about all of you!!
With so much love, your chicks,
Rina and Sonia
Shout out to Neema, one of our contributors and Mom-extraordinaire, see her posts here.
Chick Picks:

The Importance of Digital Media Marketing- Meet Digital Chicks Media

From blogging, I have learned, that social media can be a very powerful tool.  This tool creatively allows you to share your brand, thoughts, and ideas on platforms that is driven by like minded people. “Finding Your Tribe” often trends on the minds and hearts of people on the World Wide Web.  The importance of that tribe cannot be understated.

For any service or product driven company, finding an audience through social media can increase your visibility which can translate into customers and sales.  Social media marketing is about finding your 1,000 true fans and targeting them with proper messaging and a carefully crafted brand.

As part of our evolution as bloggers, we have started Digital Chicks Media, a social media management company.  Digital Chicks Media can help your business by handling all the creativity and time required to juggle content creation, engagement, and activity on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

What Forbes is Saying:

Social media isn’t something you can “turn on” and expect to start seeing an increase in revenue or conversions. It takes time and effort to build a successful social media presence; you need to have a thorough understanding of your target market, you need to carefully craft your messaging and time your posts adeptly, and on top of that, you need to be active consistently, engaging with your audience, sometimes for months or years, before you see a return on the investment.” ~Forbes

It’s true that juggling a business and all of the social media requirements to meet today’s needs can be overwhelming.  Let the chicks of Digital Chicks Media run your social media so that you can run your business.

If you are interested in how we can help you get more active socially, please get in touch with us! Email Rina Puri at [email protected]

Your Chick,

Rina Puri

Shop My Favorite Camera and Camera Accessories.

#SCCon18 : Secrets To Running a Successful Blog and Building A Blog Community

Growing up with many female influences in my personal life has generally made me gravitate towards smart, creative, and interesting women as a whole.  Joining the Style Collective was one of those no brainer decisions I made after watching founder, Annie Spano, week after week hustle as hard to achieve her dream as I was to achieve mine.  I knew that being around her energy would rub off on me.  She not only recruited me, but many  like me.  These women were like minded motivated females all trying to change their story.

When the Style Collective announced that it would be having its first conference I dare say I was the first to register.  I was thrilled at the prospect of being around other women, mothers, and bloggers that were all trying to navigate a new industry that allows women to authentically share themselves with the world.

Last month we all met up in the beautiful Cannon Room in the heart of Raleigh. NC!  A beautiful space that inspired and enthused us. The agenda was filled with women that I wanted to hear and learn from and best of all, they were willing to share!  Among many highlights from the conference, here are my top three.

The Venue

The Cannon Room was named after the first female Mayor of Raleigh, Isabell Cannon.  With that as a backdrop it was just the perfect vibe and space, intimate yet spacious and generously lit with its large windows.  It made for an inviting space that made us want to network in.   Lucky for us, this room has already been booked for next years conference!

The Influencer Panel

With our blog, we try to be open and honest about our journey as women and as mothers.  At the conference, we were lucky enough to hear from mother to be Holly of @MakeTodayAHollyDay, Courtney of @CourtEInk, and Keke of @StyleYourSelfie and they were wonderful! Each shared their story, journey, and ideas generously with all of us.  I recall chatting with Holly and discussing giveaway ideas!  I really appreciated that!

The Agenda

Generally we had a lot of information that we needed to cover during sessions, so by Sunday afternoon we were tired.   The agenda, however, anticipated that we would need creative breaks.  We had the chance to play in a live photo booth and network in a beautiful corner space.  The agenda also included a cocktail hour on Saturday night and a trolley ride surprise on Sunday!  Everything had been thought out and considered.  The team at Style Collective did an amazing job putting it all together (Thank You!).

I, along with my fellow chicks, am truly grateful for the camaraderie and the learning and I am looking forward to next year. Here is a peek at all the fun!

Your Chick,

Rina Puri

Shop all the cutest looks from the weekend!

Sanaya Set: Be Distinguished by Shopping With Purpose

The Story
We were thrilled to check out a subscription box designed for women of color by women of color.  Although our journey as humans has many similarities, life has a way of testing us in different ways.  The women behind the Sanaya Set all have a story and a common interest that brought them together.  They have used their work with API Chaya, a community for women who have been marginalized by domestic violence and sexual assault, to channel their energies to create a product that delivers awareness for a variety of good causes that speak to the experiences of women.
The Box
The Sayana set is a subscription box that is full of hand picked products that each tell a story and support a cause.  What could be better than a seasonal box that comes to your door with a message?  These products help women feel educated, engaged, and empowered to make the world a better place.
We felt strongly about the quality of the products (all 8 of them!) and the design of the box.  A lot of thought and effort has been put into the selection of each and every product.  The items each come with an information card and beautiful packaging.
If you are looking for a way to reach out to those who are working each and every day to make life better for themselves and their communities, look no further, the team at Sanaya Set has done the work for you!  For $99 per box, per season, you can do good in a way that feels good and looks good.
Check out our unboxing video here:
Thanks for checking out our unboxing and be sure to check out Sanaya Set for you or as a gift!
Your Chicks,
Rina and Sonia