The Freedom to be Happy
A happy consequence of these past few years has been the time to step away from all of life’s distractions and really focus on ME. I spent many hours reflecting on personal and professional goals. About 5 years ago, I stepped away from my full-time job as a Development Specialist for a non-profit agency to pursue the blog. Giving Chicks And Salsa all my attention really allowed me the freedom to challenge myself in a way I had never done before. I had to be specific about my goals and direction. Without discipline, I knew I would end up disappointed. So on this journey, there were some pivotal lessons that I have learned that I wanted to share.

Don’t Fear Tomorrow
I used to fear the future chronically. I took a risk, and the destination was unknown. Learning lesson #2 is what made me look forward to tomorrow rather than fear it.
Ride The Wave
From my first post to my first collaboration to the start of Digital Chicks Media, any time an opportunity was presented, I said yes and turned wherever the tide took me. This ended up being a rewarding and winning strategy.
Own Your Story
I had heard about owning your story when I attended the Style Collective conference early on. In paving my own path, I got to know my story better than ever. I had become my own boss and made every little and big decision along the way. Being intimately involved with my destiny made me own that story in a way I never had before.

It may sound cheesy, but manifestation works, and it took a global pandemic to make me step back to see what I wanted from my life clearly. This post would not be complete without a shout-out to my favorite and life-changing book, The Celestine Prophecy. This book is more than a novel; it is a blueprint on how to pay attention to the signals in the universe. The book so accurately describes nature’s way of putting us on a path that once you see the signs, there is so much that the universe reveals to you.
If you made this far into my post, I hope you found some of this in some way motivational or inspiring. Thank you for being part of my tribe.
Your Chick,
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