Now What? Let Serene Help You Achieve Your Fullest Potential
I am one of those people who believes I am capable of many things, but I can be a little ‘all over the place.’ Lately, I have been asking myself what is next for me- professionally, spiritually, and emotionally. In trying to sort through all my feelings and the confusion around my goals, I got an email from my friend Serene Hebert. Just in time to catch me before I fell, she reminded me that self-doubt and goal setting do not go hand in hand. She said, “If you are watching others achieve their goals and wondering when it will be your turn, it’s time to take the wheel.” I knew right away that I needed more of Serene in my life!
| Follow Serene for life changing tips on IG here @Renegades_2.0

I am one of those believers in affirmations; I have the Gratitude App to inspire and guide me daily. I also turn to places like YouTube for tutorials and ideas. These are all great, but they are things that I pop in and out of, and my confusion continues to cycle every few months.
Serene gave me some tools to get started on my journey of figuring out what is next. Some were easier than others:
- Surround Yourself With Go-Getters (it will rub off)
- Focus every day on your goals, work a little bit every day to build the confidence to take the steps head-on.
- Practice Gratitude.
- Make a decision, just do it! One way or another and move on.
- Prepare to work harder than you have ever worked before because nothing comes easily or quickly.
Serene is a High Performance and Motivational Coach with tools to help you and literally HOLD YOUR HAND through the entire process. She won’t let you lose sight of where you want to be. Sometimes we need that kind of accountability. Similar to my personal trainer, Serene is there to ask the tough questions like, “What have you done lately to achieve your goals?”
In addition to the free tips she offers in her Facebook group, you can join her “Banish Limiting Beliefs™ workshop now for $27!
The workshop includes:
✅ 5 digestible, impactful core video trainings to banish limiting beliefs
✅ 2 self-assessments to benchmark and measure your progress
✅ A 7-day personal mindset pivot challenge that works!
✅ A custom-tailored workbook to help you apply the concepts to your own life immediately
✅ Audio training option for on-the-go learning

For now, my goals are mostly professional, but goals can be mental and spiritual too! For a fraction of what I pay my personal trainer, Serene helps me be a better me. I am hopeful that in my journey of self-discovery she can motivate me to stay on my path by staying on hers.
Learn more about High-Performance Life Hacks and Life Coaching from Serene by joining her closed Facebook Group today!!
Your Chick,
**This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Renegades 2.0**