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Tips for Choosing The Right Foundation

Hey there, Chicks! Today, let’s dive into one of the most crucial steps in our makeup routine: finding the perfect foundation match. As we age, our skin evolves, and so do our needs when it comes to makeup. So, whether you’re dealing with fine lines and wrinkles or just looking to achieve that flawless finish, I’ve got you covered with some savvy tips to ensure you’re picking the right foundation every time.

Macys Style Crew
Macys Style Crew
  1. Know Your Skin Type: Understanding your skin type is key to selecting the right foundation. Is your skin oily, dry, combination, or normal? Different formulas work better for different skin types. For instance, if you have oily skin, opt for oil-free or matte foundations to control shine. Dry skin? Look for hydrating or luminous formulas to add moisture and glow. I have normal skin; sometimes it is dry, and sometimes it is oily. My go-to moisturizer with SPF works for me all year long; shop it here. For my chicks with drier skin, use a hydrating spray, I keep the small bottles everywhere, in my car, makeup bag, and travel bag!
  2. Identify Your Undertone: This is a game-changer! Undertones come in three main categories: warm, cool, and neutral. Knowing yours can help you choose a foundation that blends seamlessly with your skin. Quick tip: Check the veins on your wrist. If they appear greenish, you likely have warm undertones. If they appear bluish, you’re more on the cool side. If you can’t really tell, you might have neutral undertones. For a lighter foundation finish, try my new favorite tinted balm.
  1. Test, Test, Test: Never underestimate the power of testing foundation before purchasing. Swipe a few shades in natural light along your jawline (not just your wrist!). The right shade should disappear seamlessly into your skin. Don’t be afraid to ask for samples to try out in different lighting throughout the day. This is where shopping online is hard, take a few minutes to go into the store to try and test.
  2. Consider Coverage and Finish: Foundations come in various coverages, from sheer to full. Consider what level of coverage you prefer and what your skin needs. As for the finish, options range from matte to dewy. If you have mature skin, you might want to lean towards hydrating or satin finishes to avoid accentuating fine lines. The older I get, the lighter my coverage gets. Check out my current foundation favorites.
  3. Don’t Forget SPF: Sun protection is non-negotiable! Opt for a foundation with added SPF to shield your skin from harmful UV rays. While this isn’t a substitute for dedicated sunscreen, it’s an extra layer of defense, especially if you wear makeup daily.
  4. Adapt with the Seasons: Your skin tone can change throughout the year, so don’t be surprised if you need to switch shades with the seasons. Consider having a lighter shade for winter when your skin may be paler and a slightly darker one for summer when you have a bit more color.

Remember, the perfect foundation should enhance your natural beauty, not mask it. So, take your time, experiment, and embrace your unique glow! With these tips, you’re on your way to flawless, fabulous skin. Stay beautiful, inside and out!

See more beauty posts here.

Your Chick,


It’s my 6-year Blogversary! 

Chicks and Salsa may be the longest ‘job’ I have held. 296 blog posts and 1240 Instagram posts later, here we are! Starting my own small business in 2016 has led to many meaningful opportunities. I have fostered relationships crafted 100% by hard work, consistency, and you all – my readers, followers, friends, and family. Thank you to many of you who were there when I started and are still here.  I see you, and I appreciate you.

I have written about why I started and shared some of my early partnerships in previous posts.  Today I wanted to share why all the hard work was worth it.  There are big partnerships I have been lusting after that have (finally!) recently come to fruition, but the WHY I am still doing it is not about partnerships.

Starting Chicks and Salsa was always about learning.  Learning to write, learning to network, learning to create, learning to be vulnerable, and learning to commit.  It was about so much more than the clothes, the makeup, and the events.  It was about finding my tribe in person and online; it was about learning by DOING.

I made my first website, created my first LLC, learned photography essentials, and took numerous courses online to learn the in’s and out’s of ‘having a blog.’ Since starting, things have changed, and Instagram‘s influence on our e-commerce culture has skyrocketed. We also have TikTok as a new place to learn new things and find inspiration.  Every few months, there are new things to keep up with and learn.  I love the variety that creating Chicks and Salsa offers; it is flexible and ever-evolving.  

In 2018, I launched MVP Media, a social media management company that has allowed me to convert what I do for Chicks and Salsa for small brands and businesses.  To date, I have worked for dozens of companies to help elevate their social media presence.

Learn more about MVP Media here.

With no end in sight, I plan to keep creating fun, entertaining, inspirational, or educational content.  

This post is about gratitude.  I am genuinely grateful to have found a small corner of the internet to call my own, thanks to you.  As always, thanks for your time and your love.

Stay tuned; there is more to come!
Your Chick,