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Desi Vegetarian Keto Meals

This is by far the most requested post from me since I started doing ‘Keto Sprints’ over a year and a half ago.  I am hoping that this will be the start of an ongoing share that I put together to help you achieve your weight loss goals as I have for the first time in ten years.  See my initial results here.

Fit and Healthy

Although I am not a vegetarian, I have been asked time and time again for a menu that will work for vegetarians. Although it was not easy, I have compiled these meal ideas for you.

Before we get into what you can eat, let’s talk about Keto. 

What is the Keto Diet?

“Ketogenic” is a term for a low-carb diet (like the Atkins diet). The idea is for you to get more calories from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates. You cut back most on the carbs that are easy to digest, like sugar, soda, pastries, and white bread. So although it may feel odd at first to be eating so many fats, there is science behind this.

When you eat less than 50 grams of carbs a day, your body eventually runs out of fuel (blood sugar) it can use quickly. This typically takes 3 to 4 days. Then you’ll start to break down protein and fat for energy, which can make you lose weight. This is called ketosis. It’s important to note that the ketogenic diet is a short term diet that’s focuses on weight loss rather than the pursuit of health benefits. 

— Source: WebMD

Desi Keto Meals

You will love the burst of energy you feel when depriving your body of sugar.  Carbs are addicting and without them you will feel the difference in your appetite as well as mood.

keto meals

Carb Counts for Traditional Indian Foods Can be Found Here

Things to Remember

-Magic numbers: 35-50 g Carbs Daily, Protein 20% daily diet intake , Fats 75% daily diet intake, you need a LOT of fat in your diet when you eliminate carbs therefore cheese and avocados are now your best friends.

-Count NET CARBS (Carbs MINUS grams of Fiber for Net Carbs)

-You can actually eat anything on Keto (cookies/pizza etc.) just watch your  numbers and when you are out of carbs, make a different choice. I definitely eat things like pizza from time to time, but I consider those numbers in my daily count. With pizza I sometimes just eat the cheese – its actually really satisfying not eating the WHOLE piece.

-Fats are your friend, eat butter/avocados/pistachios/almonds liberally.

-Limit fruit intake.  Bananas have 12-15 carbs, grapes are approximately 1 carb each!  Stick to berries in ¼ cup portions.

-Total Carbs per day should stay under 35-50 grams TOTAL, it is important to keep count, if you don’t know, google it.  Here is an incredibly helpful link with carbs for ALL INDIAN foods.

Some of My Favorite Low Carb Finds

What to Expect

If you are doing this right, after about day three you should not feel hungry.  The combination of protein and fat in your diet should keep your satiated. 

After Three Days: Check to see if you are in ketosis, I use these sticks.

After One Week: You should start seeing some weight loss.

After Two Weeks: You will see a difference in your body. 

I hope you found this post to be helpful. The Keto Diet has changed my ability to manage my weight and my outlook on food completely. If you would like to see more meal options, drop me a comment and I will start working on a follow up.

Your Chick,


Anyone Else Addicted To Their Phone?

I’m guilty!  When I am in an airplane, waiting room or Lyft… I’m on my phone. I’m usually checking emails, social media or just surfing the net.  Sometimes it’s a need, but many times it’s just a time pass. So I put myself up to the test of going back to the days where we didn’t have our phones as a distraction.  It was amazing!

Not only did I realize that the emails and texts could wait, but I realized how much I had missed looking down at my phone. Missed eye contact, missed conversation, missed observation of my surroundings.  

Phone Woes
Shop Tops Like This One Here

The Human Connection

On a recent flight to San Francisco where I usually relish in the time to recline my seat, open the United app, and watch a movie until I reach my destination. This time, I was determined to strike up a conversation with the person next to me. Fortunately, it was an older woman who I noticed didn’t pull out her phone once….it might have been more difficult with someone who looked like they had no interest in talking. She was enroute to Hawaii for a family reunion.  She had strong a Samoan linage and I loved learning about their culture, food and customs.  Knowledge comes in so many forms, but so much of our learning comes from what we allow ourselves to take in.


Distraction with the phone has become a challenge in parenting, as well. I am personally challenged by the accessibility to my phone which creates a constant need to be connected.  Even when I try and walk away from my phone, I reach for it when I remember I need to send that email to the teacher or look up that number for the plumber.  I’ve recently been making an active effort to engage with my family in a more meaningful way and stop worrying about setting up the next play date or signing up for the next summer camp. I want to look at my kids in the eyes, make sure they know I am listening so they feel empowered and valued for their thoughts and ideas.  

Less Phone Time

While I think technology has tremendously improved our quality of life, it comes with some downfalls. Put the phone down…better yet, turn it off….walk away and be present.   Challenge yourself to connect with other people in the most human way possible….eye contact and conversation.  

Your Chick,


Experience VOLTA in Atlanta Now!

In the spirit of #DatingYourSpouse , Anil and I set out for a VIP experience with Cirque Du Soliel’s VOLTA in Atlanta until January 2020.

VOLTA VIP Experience

VOLTA is a captivating voyage of discovery. It’s about finding yourself, and unveiling your personal powers. Inspired in part by the adventurous spirit that fuels the culture of street sports, the show weaves acrobatics in a visually striking world driven by a stirring melodic score.

VOLTA is a story of transformation. It is about being true to oneself, fulfilling one’s true potential, and recognizing one’s own power to make it possible. Ultimate freedom comes with self-acceptance, and with the liberation of the judgement of others.

Freedom is the ultimate achievement.

VOLTA’s stage has a pulse and a life its own. In a heartbeat, it can turn from a dark, stone-dead quarry into a cathedral of light. Be sure to check it out before it is gone!

Your Chick,


SPF 30, 50, 80…What does it all mean?

Ahhhh, the summer heat is upon us and Lake Sinclair is looking like the perfect getaway!  Nothing beats when the sun hits your skin and the breeze tosses your hair.  But to keep comfortable in this kind of heat, we all need to take some precaution with helpful skin care designed for #LakeLife.

Taking care of your skin does not have to come with an expensive price tag.  We have great drugstore brands that you can scoop up anywhere as long as you know the key ingredients you are looking for. 

Understanding SPF

Waterproof, sweatproof, UVB, UVA, SPF 30, 50, or 100, what does it all mean?  I asked several people to explain this to me and I was alarmed how many people don’t exactly understand what it all means! 

SPF stands for ‘sun protection factor’ and is designed specifically to protect against ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. UVB is what causes sunburn.  Suppose that your skin would normally start to burn after 10 minutes without any protection — with SPF 30, you would get 30 TIMES the protection…that’s 300 minutes (10min x 30 SPF)! 

BUT the Center for Disease Control (CDC) warns that reapplying sunscreen does NOT reset the clock, it just provides continuity of the existing protection.  So using the example above, if you go for a swim about an hour (60 minutes) after applying your SPF 30 sunscreen, then you need to re-apply and will still only get the remaining 240 minutes of protection. 

So what is UVA? These ultraviolet rays don’t generally cause visible sunburn, but can cause damage to tissue that causes wrinkles which means they penetrate deeper into the skin.  

The Takeaway

As someone who is particular about my skin care and of course style.  I love to pile on my protection with a moisturizing sunscreen, make up with SPF in it, and a cute hat or sunglasses just to keep my face out of direct sunlight for a prolonged period of time. 

Sun Essentials
Chicks #LakeLife Essentials

I hope that you found this information helpful next time you stop by CVS or Walgreens before you head to the lake. 

Lather up!

Your Chick,


**This piece was published in Milledgeville Scene Magazine May/June 2019**
